Sunday, April 13

a person for a person [FIRST DAY in Habit(at)]


Just_Another_HS_Student said...

Hello, i don't understand what a person for a person is really. is it just for fun? or an art expiriment? are you an artist then? that's cool. :)

Shufu Sae said...

'a person for a person' is my art project that I stared last year when I was in Japan. I was in an Exhibition in Tokyo. Then I stared trading project with sarajevo telphone card. So every visitor could take an object which stand in my exhibition for 'a person for a person'. I got a Manga boog of Adolf Hitter at the end of Tokyo exhibition... So i knew next exhibition will be in Holland...
Then I start this project again in this Exhibition [Habit(at)]. And now it had change about 100 times. If you have a time please visit my room(the museum: Witte de Withstraat 63 Rotterdam).
Thank you.